Entries by Sarah Schneider

Northern Serbia Advocacy Report

This is our fourth report documenting observations and trend updates regarding border pushbacks, international political developments and Serbian state action relating to people on the move in Northern Serbia. These findings refer to observations made during April and May and are produced by grassroots organisations working along the Serbian border with Hungary and Romania. (To […]


This report details observations and trends in broader European political developments, border violence, and Serbian state actions in February and March 2023 relating to people on the move in Northern Serbia. It is the third publication in a series of bi-monthly reports produced by grassroots organisations working along the Serbian borders with Hungary and Romania. […]

Wanted: Field Mission _ MHPSS Project Greece

We’re searching for a field mission coordinator in Greece   We want to dock our MHPSS projects preferably to our Athens project due to the very dynamic situation and the new camp on Lesvos, your role during the field mission is to look closely at the situation on the ground, find possible cooperation partners, locate […]


WANTED: 1-2 Projektmitarbeiter:innen/ Allrounder:innen für unsere neu entstehende MVI ONLINE COMMUNITY Mit 20 – 40h / Woche arbeitest du vor allem beim Auf,- und Ausbau unserer, durch das deutsche Hilfswerk finanzierten, MVI ONLINE COMMUNITY mit. Ziel der MVI ONLINE COMMUNITY ist es, Geflüchteten und hier neu ankommenden Menschen Begleitung, Vernetzung und Unterstützung in verschiedenen Bereichen […]

Wanted: Finance Manager (m/w/d)

We are urgently looking for a Finance Manager to start immediately in Hamburg. You can find more information here: Ausschreibung Finanzmanagement


  We are looking for a medical coordinator to support our team in Thessaloniki. Applications from doctors, nurses and paramedics are welcome. Ideally, you have more than two years of working experience in your field of expertise. You are supporting the team in organising the daily operations of our medical work, take leadership and represent […]

MVI meets friends

In autumn 2022, we will start our MVI meets Friends Tour through Germany. During our tour, we want to draw attention to the ongoing catastrophic situation at the EU’s external borders, we want to show you ways to get involved, we want to meet other associations/organisations and initiatives and YOU. You can find all the […]

HilfsBUS goes Humanitarian Transport

After we started the project HilfsBUS in March, shortly after the Russian invasion, the goal was to facilitate the way from Ukraine to Europe for as many people as possible. After the first successful journeys, however, the need became apparent elsewhere. People with special protection needs, BiPOC, Sinti and Roma and others have to struggle […]