The so-called “Repatriation Improvement Act” has been passed! What does this mean for us, for Medical Volunteers International e.V.?
I’m sure you’ve read about it in the press: A few days ago, the Bundestag passed the so-called “Repatriation Improvement Act” with the votes of the current government. This amendment to the law not only criminalises humanitarian aid and humanitarian aid workers, but also hits refugees in Germany and people on the run particularly hard. Their basic rights will be further restricted, for example, the period of detention pending deportation is to be extended and authorities will have extended powers to access asylum seekers and may, for example, deport them unannounced. In the humanitarian sector, in which Medical Volunteers International e.V. also operates, the rescue of minors at sea or medical care at Europe’s external borders is now a punishable offence. In our view, this is absurd. With this law, the government is bowing to the general shift to the right in Europe. This plays into the hands of right-wing agitation, such as the AfD.
Germany continues to close! And the borders around the EU are getting higher and higher.
We are therefore also affected by the tightening of § 96 of the Residence Act on the “smuggling of foreigners”. Urgently needed medical assistance could be considered a “criminal offence” under this law and punishable by up to 10 years in prison. We are currently in the process of having the possible consequences legally examined.
Now and in the future, we will continue to defend our position that health is a human right! Our volunteer doctors continue to treat people in need at Europe’s external borders. As part of our public relations work, we are calling on politicians to introduce a “humanitarian clause”.
For this we need your help! Some already donate regularly and help us a lot, we ask everyone else: Please donate now, so that we can continue our work in Germany and at Europe’s external borders and obtain legal advice on the consequences of the “Repatriation Improvement Act”. We want to continue to help where it is needed and will not allow ourselves to be criminalised! In order to be able to respond to specific calls for help again, we need financial security and continue to need motivated and committed doctors and helpers to support us in making basic medical care accessible to all people.
If you have any questions, please contact us directly at: